Psychological Factor and Content Factor : A Part from the Book Chapter : Study on the Effect of Consumer Experience on Food Delivery Apps

Online markets

The findings of Constantinides (2003) comprehensive literature review are summarized in a model depicting the main categories of factors affecting the online consumer. The study identifies three groups of web experience – functional factor, psychological factor and content factor. This classification underlines the fact that most researchers endorse the suggestion that like in online markets, the interaction of functional, psychology and content factor underpin the online decision making process. Although these prior studies have shed light on the importance of consumer experience, some issues remain unresolved. First, there is a lack of generally accepted principles for designing food delivery apps. In order to derive these principles, it is necessary to identify the design elements that are essential to the food delivery apps. With respect to this, prior literature tends to view web experience as a functional, psychological and content factors on website, but they have failed to design elements are essential to website as well as mobile apps. Therefore, this study intends to identify an antecedent that is essential to website and mobile apps by investigating what is the role of web and digital experience when people use the food delivery apps.

Author(s) Details:

Nina Farisha,
University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Norhayati Mat Yusoff Mohd Yusof,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.

Irina Mohd Akhir,
Universiti Teknologi Mara (Pulau Pinang), Malaysia.

Suriati Osman,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.

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