AI and Alternative Energy: Exploring the Solar Cell Industry

This article discusses the issues of alternative energy and artificial intelligence and their potential impact on each other. Both topics are crucial in today’s world, with the search for alternative energy sources being a recurring event within the context of energy saving and climate preservation, and artificial intelligence penetrating almost all aspects of industry and consumption. The article begins by providing definitions of artificial intelligence and alternative energy. It then discusses the possible impact of artificial intelligence technologies on the alternative energy spectrum, using the solar cell industry as a case study. The article presents the “Rumsfeld Matrix” as an analytical tool to illustrate the known and unknown factors in this interaction. The article draws on research done on both artificial intelligence and alternative energy and explores possibly unknown dimensions of their interaction and mutual impact. It notes that cost economies of modes of alternative energy are a core issue and that similar core issues exist in artificial intelligence, which could potentially exceed alternative energy’s impact. Overall, the article highlights the importance of considering the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the alternative energy sector and the need for continued research and exploration of this interaction.

Author(s) Details:

El Namaki,
VU School of Management, Switzerland.

Please see the link here:

Keywords: Alternative energy, artificial intelligence, cost economies, Rumsfeld Matrix

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